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What is

Revolutionize your email outreach with Sales Email Assistant. Utilize AI-powered GPT-3 technology to craft human-like, personalized sales emails in seconds. No credit card required for a 14-day trial!


  • Instant Email Generation: Create compelling first contact and follow-up sales emails effortlessly using AI, saving precious time and increasing efficiency.
  • Email Quality Check: Leverage real-time feedback to ensure emails are actionable and perfect, maximizing open and reply rates with the Email Quality Check feature.
  • Intelligent Sorting: Our AI not only writes but also sorts your emails, identifying hot leads and prioritizing them in an 'Interested' folder so you focus on opportunities that matter.
  • Seamless Integration: Directly push your AI-generated emails to your sequences, enabling you to start sending without the need to switch apps.

Use Cases:

  • Sales Development Representatives (SDRs): SDRs can enhance their outreach strategy by automating the creation of personalized emails, increasing the chances of successful engagements.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Marketing professionals can utilize the tool to optimize email templates for campaigns, aiding in the delivery of relevant and compelling content.
  • Email Quality Analysis: Teams can improve ongoing campaigns by checking email quality and performance, making necessary adjustments for better results.

Revolutionizing email outreach, Sales Email Assistant empowers sales and marketing professionals with AI to generate high-quality, personalized emails, simplifying tasks and improving engagement rates. Open the door to efficient email communication and focus on closing deals.