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What is Sheet AI?

Transform your spreadsheets with SheetAI - an AI-powered Google Sheets add-on that automates tasks, generates insights, and aids in efficient copywriting. Available exclusively for desktop and laptop devices.


  • Automated AI-Driven Functions: Supercharge your Google Sheets with advanced AI functions that automate data processing and generate valuable insights.
  • Efficient Copywriting Tool: Use SHEETAI_BRAIN for effortless copywriting, drawing on essential information to craft taglines and content with just a few keystrokes.
  • Diverse AI-Generated Answers: Leverage SHEETAI_LIST to receive multiple AI-generated answers, providing a range of solutions and perspectives.
  • Seamless Data Population: Power up your data entry with SHEETAI_FILL, easily generating product descriptions, cleaning email lists, and creating dummy data.

Use Cases:

  • Data Sanitization: Clean up your spreadsheets by removing extraneous or sensitive information, ensuring a tidy and secure dataset.
  • Content Generation: Automatically generate text for marketing, reports, or any app by simply describing your needs in plain English.
  • Value Prediction: Use SheetAI to predict numerical values based on your data trends, enhancing planning and decision-making processes.

SheetAI brings the efficiency and innovation of AI to everyday spreadsheet tasks. Its groundbreaking features and simplicity make it an essential add-on for any Google Sheets user on desktop and laptop devices.