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What is Stack AI?

Stack AI is a No-Code AI Automation Platform that empowers organizations of all sizes to automate tasks using custom AI like ChatGPT. Connect AI to various databases and documents, and empower your large language models to interact seamlessly with any API.


  • AI Connection to Any Database: Boost organization efficiency by connecting AI to databases such as Notion, Airtable, or Postgres for seamless task automation.
  • Interact With Users: Create chatbots and email systems to interact with users, answer queries, and collect information using your data and APIs.
  • Web and Document Processing: Connect AI to documents and websites to extract insights, summarize data, and answer questions.
  • Content Creation: Generate tags, summaries, and seamlessly transfer styles or formats between documents and data sources.
  • Effortless Data Loading: Load your data from any source into your AI-powered application without any hassle.
  • Customizable Templates: Get your project on track with a diverse library of templates for common workflows.
  • Rapid Experimentation: Quickly try out multiple prompts and AI architectures with a single click.
  • Rapid Delivery: We host all workflows as APIs, ensuring minimal latency for delivering prompt results to users.

Use Cases:

  • Database Co-Pilots: Simplify your organization's database management tasks with AI automation.
  • Chatbots and Email: Create efficient chatbots and email systems for answering queries and collecting user information.
  • Document Processing: Connect AI to documents or websites to extract insights, summarize information, and resolve queries.
  • Content Creation: Streamline the content creation process by generating tags, summaries, and transferring styles or formats seamlessly between documents and data sources.

Stack AI is redefining AI usage by providing simple yet power-packed automation solutions via its no-code AI platform. With its robust features and various use cases, it caters to businesses across different sectors, helping them achieve efficiency and productivity with ease.