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What is Sully AI? is an all-in-one AI platform designed to save doctors time and transform healthcare delivery. It tackles the issue of doctors spending a significant portion of their time on administrative tasks rather than patient care. aims to empower doctors, making them "superhuman" by eliminating distractions and streamlining workflows.

The platform offers a comprehensive suite of features, including:


  • Screening: Patients can communicate their symptoms directly to the platform.


  • During-Visit Suggestions: Real-time suggestions and considerations for doctors.
  • Scribe: AI-powered conversion of conversations into medical notes.
  • Potential Diagnosis: Insights to assist in diagnosis based on symptoms.
  • Drafts Clinical Plan: Suggests treatment plans based on diagnosed conditions.


  • Automations: Customizable automations for accelerating workflows. boasts proven results, including:

  • 0% decrease in repetitive tasks.
  • 220,000 minutes moderated by Sully.
  • 948,000 unique data points modeled.
  • 0.5 hours daily decrease in administrative time.

Key Features of

  • Automates Tasks in Seconds: AI-powered voice commands streamline EHR tasks.
  • Never Forgets: Customizable rules for automated tasks.
  • Saves 1.5 Hours Daily: Focuses doctors on patient care by automating administrative tasks.
  • Hyper Personalization: Tailored Doctor-LM for each physician, customizable through voice or natural language.
  • Supports 19 Languages: Multilingual support for diverse patient populations.
  • Decision Support Superpower: Offers suggestions and considerations during patient visits. is built on a HIPAA-compliant infrastructure, utilizing a proprietary large language model trained on real-life doctor encounters, clicks, actions, and repetitive tasks. It is the world's first voice-to-action AI model designed for doctors, aiming to revolutionize the healthcare industry.

Testimonials from satisfied users highlight the platform's positive impact, including increased efficiency, reduced burnout, and a significant time-saving benefit.