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What is Tactiq?

Transform your online meetings with Tactiq, the AI-driven transcription service that effortlessly captures and organizes your conversations on Zoom, Google Meet, and MS Teams. Embrace efficiency with Tactiq's Chrome Extension, trusted by over 300,000 users!


  • Real-Time Transcription: Get live, speaker-specific transcripts during meetings without additional recording, ensuring privacy and clarity.
  • AI-Driven Meeting Actions: Automate post-meeting tasks such as summarizing, drafting follow-up emails, and creating project updates with Tactiq's advanced AI.
  • One-Click Custom AI Actions: Save time with customizable, reusable AI prompts to streamline your workflow and automate follow-up actions.
  • OpenAI Integration: Utilize the power of OpenAI to ask questions and receive tailored results directly from your transcripts.
  • Privacy-Centric Design: Tactiq respects your privacy by not recording or storing audio, offering real-time text transcripts while maintaining confidentiality.

Use Cases:

  • Efficient Note-Taking: Free yourself from manual note-taking and focus on your meeting's discussions with Tactiq's automated transcripts.
  • Actionable Meeting Summaries: Easily generate meeting summaries and action items, ensuring all participants are on the same page post-meeting.
  • Multi-Language Support: Benefit from Tactiq's competence in handling meetings in various languages, enhancing communication and productivity.
  • Team Installations: Quickly deploy Tactiq across your team or organization for unified productivity and seamless meeting management.

Tactiq revolutionizes the way you handle virtual meetings, offering AI-powered transcription and action generation that elevates productivity and simplifies follow-ups. Experience the fusion of technology and convenience that comes highly recommended by its users.