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What is TalkToVid?

Enter the URL of a video to fetch its transcript and start a conversation with the person in the video.


  • Easy Video Conversation: Simply enter the URL of a video to start a conversation with the person in the video.
  • Broad Video Support: Supports most video hosting sites including YouTube, TikTok, and more.
  • Transcript Retrieval: Fetches the transcript of the video to facilitate conversation with accuracy.
  • Optimal for Single Speaker Videos: Works best with videos where a single person is speaking.
  • Long Video Support: Supports videos up to a maximum length of 20 minutes.

Use Cases:

  • Interview Analysis: Converse with interviewees by using their video transcripts for analysis and insights.
  • Language Learning: Immerse in foreign languages by chatting with speakers in their videos and using transcripts.
  • Media Content Evaluation: Discuss and review video content with creators by analyzing their video transcripts.

TalkToVid makes video conversations and analysis convenient by providing video transcript retrieval functionality.