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What is Tinyquiz?

TinyQuiz revolutionizes quiz creation for educators and learners, offering a lifetime premium license at $99. Automatically generate, grade, and analyze quizzes with AI efficiency.


  • AI-Powered Quiz Generation: Easily create quizzes from keywords or content snippets in just seconds using TinyQuiz's AI technology.
  • Automatic Results Grading: No manual marking needed as TinyQuiz grades all responses instantly, showing results immediately to participants.
  • Analytics and Detailed Responses: Teachers can access in-depth analytics, viewing all responses, success rates, and other valuable data in one place.
  • Content-to-Quiz Conversion: Transform any text, PDF, or URL content into an engaging quiz, saving valuable time in the process.
  • Unique Trivia Questions: Generate one-of-a-kind trivia quizzes on any topic with ease, offering a fun and interactive learning experience.
  • Simple Sharing: Each quiz comes with a short, shareable link, making distribution and access straightforward for anyone.

Use Cases:

  • Teachers: Innovate teaching methods and evaluate student understanding efficiently with customizable quizzes.
  • Students: Study smarter by creating personalized quizzes to test knowledge retention and prepare for exams.
  • HR Managers: Enhance employee training and assessments with quizzes tailored to various job roles and functions.
  • Edtech Publishers: Incorporate interactive quizzes into content offerings to increase engagement and learning outcomes.

TinyQuiz is the go-to solution for modern education professionals and learners seeking an effortless, reliable, and comprehensive quiz creation tool powered by AI. With features like automatic grading, in-depth analytics, and easy sharing, TinyQuiz ensures an effective and efficient learning experience.