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What is Tulsk?

Unleash the power of AI to streamline your project management tasks with Tulsk.io. Boost collaboration, personalize your workflow with custom templates, and experience a new level of productivity without needing a credit card to sign up.


  • ChatPM: Interact with an AI chat-based project manager to efficiently handle task assignments, updates, deadlines, and resolve conflicts.
  • AI-Powered Task Generation: Leverage AI to automatically generate detailed tasks, ensuring comprehensive project coverage and increased completion rates.
  • Modular AI Agents: Customize your AI experience by choosing from various agents to automate tasks such as email sorting, content creation, legal navigation, and more.
  • Custom Templates: Utilize our unique template engine to create personalized templates for projects, jobs, or events, enhancing flexibility and efficiency.
  • Embeddable Spaces: Integrate Tulsk.io within your existing digital ecosystem for a seamless project management experience.

Use Cases:

  • Team Collaboration: Teams can collaborate effortlessly with collective access to tasks, job postings, and events all in one AI-facilitated workspace.
  • Content Generation: Content creators can boost productivity using the Content Agent for drafting blog posts, social media content, and gaining insights.
  • Legal Document Handling: Legal teams can navigate contracts and documents efficiently with the help of the Legal Agent.
  • Project Planning: Project managers can design comprehensive plans, foresee potential issues, and receive AI-driven recommendations in real-time.
  • Software Development: Developers can expedite coding tasks and platform integration with the aid of the AI-powered Coding Agent.

Transform your project management experience with Tulsk.io's innovative AI capabilities that fuse a customizable approach with powerful automation, setting a new standard for team collaboration and success.