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What is Twilix?

Confident AI provides an innovative platform for evaluating and optimizing LLMs (Large Language Models). With an open-source approach, comprehensive analytics, and assertive testing capabilities, it caters to companies aiming to efficiently bring their AI into production.


  • Evaluation Infrastructure: Confident AI offers robust infrastructure to justify and validate the deployment of your LLM in production environments.
  • Open-Source Metrics: Access over 12 open-source metrics to measure the performance and accuracy of your LLM setups.
  • Advanced Diff Tracking: Iterate towards the optimal LLM configuration with advanced diff tracking and detailed monitoring tools.
  • A/B Testing: Efficiently compare different LLM workflows for enhanced return on investment and performance optimization.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Gain insights with the integrated reporting dashboard to refine and reduce LLM-related expenses over time.

Use Cases:

  • Better Decision Making for Deployment: Use Confident AI to evaluate your LLM, ensuring it meets production standards before deployment.
  • Optimize for Use Cases: Discover and optimize LLM performance for specific use cases, maximizing effectiveness and resource allocation.
  • Improve LLM Development Cycle: Reduce time to production by using streamlined evaluation tools and avoiding time spent on fixing breaking changes.
  • Maximize Operational Efficiency: Employ the platform's analytics to identify high-ROI use cases and optimize the LLM's contribution to the enterprise.
  • Gain Confidence in LLM Outputs: Utilize output classification to understand recurring queries better and ensure your LLM generates expected responses.

Confident AI revolutionizes the process of preparing LLMs for the production environment, providing tools and metrics that instill confidence in AI deployment. Enhance your AI workflow, reduce time to market, and improve decision-making with precise analytics and testing functionalities.