TypingDNA Focus

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What is TypingDNA Focus?

Discover TypingDNA Focus, the innovative app that tracks and enhances your productivity by monitoring your typing patterns to identify your mood. Get insights into your focus levels and stay at the peak of your efficiency!


  • Privacy-Centric Design: Employs AI to analyze typing patterns on your device, ensuring data never leaves your computer for uncompromised privacy.
  • Mood Tracker Dashboard: Visualize your focus trends throughout the week and schedule tasks according to when you're most attentive.
  • Adaptive Mood Sets: Start with three fundamental moods and expand your tracking by sharing with friends or engaging in public research for additional mood insights.
  • Support for Development: With Developer Mode, create custom applications that trigger actions based on your mood, currently available on macOS.
  • Public Research Contribution: Participate in research to refine mood prediction technology while unlocking new app features.

Use Cases:

  • Daily Productivity Optimization: Use TypingDNA Focus to identify the best times for concentrated work or to take breaks, enhancing efficiency.
  • Mood-Based Planning: Plan your daily activities in alignment with your mood patterns to maximize output and minimize stress.
  • Developers' Integration: Developers can leverage the Focus API to integrate mood-based triggers into their applications, offering a tailored user experience.
  • Privacy-Conscious Users: Those who prioritize privacy can trust the on-device AI processing to safeguard their typing data.
  • Community Engagement: Users interested in contributing to technological advancement can join the public research initiative.

TypingDNA Focus emerges as a powerful tool blending privacy, productivity, and technological innovation through mood analysis based on typing behavior. It stands as a testament to user-centric design, inviting community engagement to shape a pioneering solution in personal efficiency.