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What is Upmetrics?

Upmetrics is a state-of-the-art tool that uses AI to simplify business planning. Through features like Business Planning, Financial Forecasting, and AI Assistance, it aids entrepreneurs and small businesses in creating solid business strategies for growth and success.


  • AI Assistance: Enables auto-writing of business plans, text improvement, text shortening-expansion, and tone change for better business plan creation.
  • Business Planning: Guides in writing a plan with templates, editors, and more to organize business ideas.
  • Financial Forecasting: Automates the forecast of revenue, expenses, loans, assets, etc., aiding in budget planning and financial management.
  • Pitch Deck: Comes with important templates for slide creation such as funding, traction, team, etc., to help impress potential investors.
  • Strategic Planning: Helps in brainstorming and creating actionable business strategies to reach business goals.

Use Cases:

  • Entrepreneurs & Small Businesses: Facilitates growth through efficient plan creation, strategies, forecasting, and collaboration.
  • Accelerators & Incubators: Customized business plan templates to create a value-packed program for startups.
  • Business Consultants & Advisors: Aids in becoming proficient business consultants, helps to save time and boosts productivity.
  • Educators & Business Schools: Hands-on tool built for higher collaboration and accurate planning for education purposes.

Upmetrics, with its AI-driven features, simplifies the heavy lifting of business planning, making it an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs, consultants, and educators alike.