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What is Vid2txt?

Unlock the power of simplicity with Vid2txt – the offline transcription app that makes converting your audio and video to text as easy as drag and drop. No subscriptions, just fast, accurate transcription.


  • Rapid Offline Transcription: Say goodbye to cloud dependency and privacy concerns with our quick offline transcription capabilities.
  • Extensive File Support: Effortlessly transcribe a wide range of video and audio formats like mp4, mov, wmv, mkv, avi, and many more.
  • Cost-Efficient One-Time Purchase: Avoid recurring charges with our anti-subscription model. Pay once and enjoy unlimited transcription.
  • User-Friendly Design: Experience the ease of use with Vid2txt's focused design, dedicated to delivering efficient transcription solutions.
  • Privacy Assurance: We collect zero data, ensuring your transcriptions and content remain private and secure on your local machine.

Use Cases:

  • Content Creators: Elevate your SEO and provide closed captions with ease by quickly transcribing podcasts and videos.
  • Journalists: Accelerate your writing process by converting voice memos into text, letting you focus on the story.
  • Students: Transform recorded lectures into text for easy revisiting and note-taking without the hassle.
  • Professionals: Increase productivity by transcribing meetings and webinars, making content easy to search and edit.
  • Hearing Impaired: Stay connected with accurate transcripts of shows and podcasts, enhancing your entertainment experience.
  • Researchers: Simplify data analysis by converting video content to text, allowing for seamless search and insights.

Vid2txt stands out as a reliable, privacy-centric tool designed to make your life easier. Its robust features cater to a multitude of users, from professionals to students, making it an essential utility in any toolkit.