Live Meetings AI by Vidlogs

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What is Live Meetings AI by Vidlogs?

Vidlogs is a unified AI-powered solution for remote teams to host meetings, record, transcribe, translate, search, and recall discussions and share without wrangling with different tools and timezones. The platform offers live and asynchronous meetings and AI video analysis for all your meetings.


  • Unified AI-powered solution: Vidlogs provides a unified AI-powered solution for remote teams to host meetings, record, transcribe, translate, search, and recall discussions and share without wrangling with different tools and timezones.
  • Reduce fatigue of being online in all the meetings: Summarize and highlight the most important moments of your meetings, share your notes, and get up to date with Vidlogs!
  • Collaborate remotely with your team: Work collaboratively with your team, make an agenda for your meetings, create on-the-go notes, and instantly assign tasks to your team mates using Vidlogs.
  • AI Video Analysis: Use AI to find noteworthy moments in 100s of meetings in a long-running project or across customers – patterns, highlights, questions, or participant's sentiment with Vidlogs.

Use Cases:

  • Sales and Marketing: Vidlogs can be used by Sales and Marketing teams to host live and asynchronous meetings and track the performance of the team. The AI-powered video analysis can help monitor customer sentiment across various meetings and projects.
  • Project and Change Management: Vidlogs can be used by Project and Change Management teams to host meetings and monitor project progress. The platform offers task assignment, agenda creation, and note-taking features, making the management of remote teams more efficient.
  • Design and UX teams: Design and UX teams can use Vidlogs to collaborate remotely and share ideas. The platform offers brandable channels, task assignment, and note-taking features that make the sharing of ideas and feedback more streamlined.
  • Remote Education: Vidlogs can be used for remote education allowing teachers to record lectures and share them with students. The platform offers features such as task assignment, agenda creation, and note-taking, making it easier for students to keep track of their learning.

Vidlogs is an all-in-one affordable platform for remote teams to host live and asynchronous meetings, collaborate with team members, and analyze videos using AI-powered video analysis. Try Vidlogs for free and get more productivity out of meetings.