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What is Wondertales?

Wondertales is a platform that allows parents to create personalized fairy tales starring their own children. The platform offers a range of features to make the experience interactive and engaging.

Key features include:

  • Moral selection: Parents can choose a moral lesson to be woven into the story, teaching valuable life lessons.
  • Character selection: The fairy tale features two main characters: the child and a character chosen by the parent.
  • Language selection: Parents can choose to read the story in either Russian or English.
  • Audio stories: The platform offers audio versions of the stories, allowing children to listen without straining their eyes.
  • Customization: Parents can personalize the story by providing their child's name and even choosing the appearance of the main character.

Benefits of Wondertales:

  • Imagination stimulation: The platform encourages children's imaginations by allowing them to be the heroes of their own stories.
  • Reading literacy improvement: Reading fairy tales expands vocabulary and prepares children for academic success.
  • Horizon broadening: AI enables parents to create stories on any topic they can imagine, fostering creativity.
  • Independence and decision-making skills development: The platform's story construction set helps children develop their independence and decision-making abilities.
  • Quality time with child: The process of reading and discussing the fairy tale strengthens bonds between parents and children.
  • Eye care: The platform features a dark theme to reduce blue light exposure during bedtime.
  • Accessibility: Parents can record the story in their own voice for children to listen to when they don't have time to read.

Wondertales promotes the benefits of fairy tales for children while also incorporating modern technology to enhance the experience. The platform is constantly evolving based on feedback from parents and children, ensuring it remains engaging and relevant.