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What is Holo AI?

Discover the power of Holo AI to transform your ideas into captivating stories, novels, and games. Start creating with ease - no payment or signup required!


  • Versatile Writing Tool: Perfectly crafted for any writing project, Holo AI's metadata UI can be customized to fit various fandoms, genres, and authors.
  • Affordable Accessibility: With budget-friendly plans starting at just $4.99/month and an unlimited option at $7.99/month, Holo AI offers value for everyone.
  • Custom AI Training: Enhance your AI with prompt tuning, tailored to your unique data inputs, from literary styles to personalized chatbot transcripts.
  • Text to Speech: Let Holo AI narrate your creations with a choice of 6 distinct AI voices, bringing your stories to life audibly.
  • Privacy First: Client-side encryption ensures your stories and metadata remain secure, inaccessible to developers or third parties.

Use Cases:

  • Creative Writing: Craft novels, short stories, or fanfiction with AI fine-tuned to reflect your favorite genres and authors.
  • Personalized AI: Create bespoke AI models trained on your data, whether it's literary work or custom chatbot interactions.
  • Audio Storytelling: Transform your written content into auditory experiences with Text to Speech, ideal for those who prefer listening.
  • Secure Writing Platform: Write with peace of mind, knowing your intellectual property is protected with end-to-end encryption.

Holo AI embodies the cutting-edge of AI writing technology, offering versatility, affordability, and security to writers and creators of all kinds.