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What is X-Me AI?

X-Me offers an advanced AI platform to generate your personalized avatar videos quickly and easily. Join us to experience pioneering AI video technology with ethical use at its core.


  • Rapid AI Video Generation: Leverage our advanced pre-trained visual generation model for real-time self-cloning and dynamic AI avatar video creation in just 10 seconds.
  • Custom Danmaku Feature: Personalize your video experience with the ability to set danmaku color, type, speed, loop, and opacity to enhance engagement with your AI avatar videos.
  • Ethical AI Commitment: Our dedication to safety, ethics, and responsible AI use ensures that our technology positively impacts society and respects individual privacy.

Use Cases:

  • Personal Branding: Create AI-generated videos with your avatar for unique personal branding on social media and online platforms.
  • Entertainment Demos: Enjoy AI Celebrity Avatar demonstrations, such as AI Trump or AI Musk, adding a fun element to digital entertainment.
  • Community Engagement: Join our Discord community for exclusive access to the latest features and contribute to the direction of X-Me's platform innovations.

X-Me propels you to the cutting-edge of AI technology, providing an intuitive platform to revolutionize video creation. With a steadfast ethical framework, X-Me is the go-to destination for those seeking to explore the potential of generative video AI responsibly.