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What is X-Me?

Create high-quality videos with ease using X-Me. Our AI Video generator allows you to clone yourself to create customized videos without the need for expensive equipment, crew, or customization fees. Join our beta testing today.


  • Instant Cloning: Real-time self-cloning allows you to create and update personalized videos, without compromising on quality.
  • Smooth Integration: Seamlessly use GPT-4 for one-click content creation saving you time and effort.
  • Global Multilingual Support: Translate your videos effortlessly among 147 languages, making it a truly global solution.
  • Effortless Background Import: Easily import custom backgrounds adding a unique touch to your videos.
  • Security: Our blockchain technology ensures the unique identification of each video and prevents unauthorized use, while also supporting user anonymity.

Use Cases:

  • Explainer Videos: Create comprehensive explainer videos using your customized video templates.
  • Marketing Videos: Produce marketing videos as conveniently and swiftly as creating a slide deck.
  • Personalized Videos: Establish individual connections with a wider audience by creating personalized videos.
  • Training Videos: Develop engaging training videos that your representatives would never want to skip.
  • Multilingual Videos: Auto-translate your speech videos into multiple languages to reach a wider audience.
  • News Videos: Distribute breaking news videos faster than anyone else with quick and easy video production.
  • Greeting Videos: Clone yourself to send personalized one-on-one greeting videos to loved ones.

Embrace the future of video creation with X-Me's AI Video Generator. Say goodbye to expensive and time-consuming video production while maintaining high quality and creativity. Security, convenience, and customizability at your fingertips.