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What is AKME?

AI Knowledge, AKME, is an iOS app transforming your interactions with OpenAI's GPT model. Explore diverse domains and get relevant answers tailored to your needs through a chat-like interface.


  • Diverse Domains: Covers 15 different domains from information and education to fitness and exercise, ensuring a comprehensive knowledge base.
  • Editable Prompt Suggestions: Over 150 editable prompts tailor the app to your unique needs and interests.
  • Threaded Conversations: Specific topics are maintained contextually, which are saved locally and can be exported as text files.
  • Customizable GPT Parameters: Control AI output with personalized settings like temperature, topP, and frequency penalty.
  • BYOK and In-App Tokens: Access OpenAI's API by bringing your own key or purchasing in-app tokens.
  • Privacy Committed: No data is collected. Prompts are sent to OpenAI API and are not used for further model training.

Use Cases:

  • Language Learning: Use AKME for an effective language learning experience.
  • Career Development: Harness the knowledge of AI for career growth and development.
  • Travel Planning: Make your travel planning simple and efficient with AKME.
  • Home Organization and Management: Get AI insights for better home organization and management.
  • Fitness and Exercise: Get AI-based fitness advices and exercise plans.

AKME offers a unique opportunity to embrace AI-powered interactivity, enhancing daily tasks or navigation of complex topics. It prioritizes user privacy, ensuring a safe, personalized, and efficient AI experience.