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What is AskCSV?

Experience the power of AI for instant insights from CSV files, while ensuring your data's security by processing it locally, directly in your browser.


  • Interactive Querying: Simply ask a question and the AI instantly turns your CSV data into actionable insights with relevant charts and tables.
  • Local Data Processing: Keep your sensitive data secure with in-browser processing, eliminating the need for server uploads and potential breaches.
  • Diverse Visualization Options: Harness the AI's ability to determine and display the most effective charts for your queried data.
  • Simple Usability: No need for complex software—just click, drop, or paste your file, and start analyzing; even beginners can test with sample data.
  • Support for CSV & TSV Formats: Easily analyze data in the common CSV or TSV file formats, ensuring compatibility with most spreadsheet tools.

Use Cases:

  • Sales Analysis: Quickly identify top selling products and best customers to streamline sales strategies and target high-value opportunities.
  • Market Basket Analysis: Leverage AI to explore which products are frequently bought together and drive cross-selling initiatives.
  • Product Comparison: Find similar products or services based on desired criteria to understand market positioning and competition.
  • Marketing Campaign Evaluation: Measure the ROI of different marketing campaigns, allocating resources to the most effective strategies.
  • Quick Answers for Urgent Data Queries: Obtain immediate insights for time-sensitive decisions, supporting agile business operations and responsiveness.

Transform your CSV data into a goldmine of insights with our user-friendly AI-powered analysis tool, while enjoying unparalleled data security through local processing. Whether you're a business professional or a curious data enthusiast, our platform simplifies data analysis to help you make informed decisions swiftly.