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What is Pontus?

Pontus is an AI privacy layer that simplifies building AI with privacy considerations, risk measurement and management, as well as compliance auditing. It provides a Zero Trust approach, smart anonymization, and rapid compliance auditing for AI. All this while keeping your data anonymized for the preservation of its value and the privacy of individuals.


  • Smart Anonymization: Automatic detection and anonymization of protected information in alignment with GDPR and CPRA guidelines, while maintaining personalization potential of LLM models.
  • Rapid AI Compliance Auditing: An intuitive dashboard that allows easy identification of all data shared with LLM providers.
  • Privacy-Conscious AI Building: Anonymization of data for privacy, preserving the value of the data crucial in fields like healthcare, finance, and research.
  • Trust-Friendly Ready Components: Secure documents, privacy-aware caching, rapid auditing compliance, role-based access controls, and toxicity checking, working with any LLM to ensure privacy and security.

Use Cases:

  • Healthcare: Preserving data value by concealing personal information in medical documents, enabling better patient privacy while utilizing AI.
  • Finance: Ensuring data privacy and compliance while allowing AI to improve financial services performance.
  • Research: Maintaining the value of research data by anonymizing personal information, thus complying with privacy regulations while still benefiting from AI analytics.

With Pontus, enjoy the power of AI while having peace of mind over privacy and compliance concerns. Experience an efficient blend of security, compliance auditing, and privacy powered by a Zero Trust framework.