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What is Chordai?

Unlock the full potential of any song with Chord AI app's advanced chord recognition, beat tracking, and instrumental separation. Experience accurate chord diagrams, real-time recognition, and audio to MIDI conversion for seamless learning and music production.


  • Chord Recognition: Utilizes cutting-edge deep learning algorithms to provide exact chords for any song instantly.
  • Beat Tracking: Features advanced algorithms to help users understand song structure by segmenting it into bars and beats.
  • Key Recognition: Accurately infers the key of any song to aid in mastering the piece.
  • Chord Dictionary: Includes comprehensive chord diagrams for guitar, piano, or ukulele, facilitating quick learning.
  • Real-Time Chord Recognition: Uses device microphone for live chord recognition of music being played or listened to.
  • Instrument Separation: Allows for multitrack separation into bass, vocals, drums, and others, with export options.
  • Audio to MIDI: Convert audio tracks into MIDI utilizing Spotify's research advancements.
  • Lyrics Recognition: Employs OpenAI's Whisper model for high-quality speech and lyrics transcription.

Use Cases:

  • Music Learning: Ideal for musicians and hobbyists looking to quickly learn how to play new songs.
  • Music Production: Aids producers in transcribing and separating song components for remixes or samples.
  • Live Performance: Enables live performers to adapt to new songs effortlessly with real-time chord updates.
  • Song Analysis: Perfect for music enthusiasts interested in dissecting and understanding song elements.

Chord AI simplifies music learning and production by bringing advanced AI technology to your fingertips. With its high user satisfaction and robust set of features, it's an indispensable tool for anyone passionate about music.