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What is Clips AI?

Clips AI is an innovative open-source Python library focused on converting longform videos into segmented clips with ease, and adjusting their aspect ratios for diverse platforms.


  • Automatic Video Segmentation: Quickly divides long videos such as interviews and podcasts into multiple distinct clips using video transcript analysis.
  • Aspect Ratio Resizing: Easily adjusts videos from 16:9 to 9:16 aspect ratios, focusing on the current speaker for better engagement.
  • Transcript-Based Clipping: Uses WhisperX, an advanced transcription tool, to find precise start and stop times, enhancing the clipping process.
  • Speaker Diarization Support: Incorporates Pyannote for accurate speaker identification, ensuring the resized video highlights relevant speakers.

Use Cases:

  • Podcast Highlight Creation: Clips AI can generate bite-sized clips from lengthy podcast sessions for social media sharing.
  • Interview Summarization: Transform extended interviews into short, impactful segments that capture key moments.
  • Speech & Sermon Excerpts: Extract important parts from speeches or sermons for educational or promotional purposes.

Clips AI stands out as a powerful tool for content creators and developers looking to repurpose longform video content into shorter, platform-optimized clips. With minimal coding, users can enhance the viewing experience and boost content accessibility.