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What is ResearchGPT?

Interactive AI software enabling users to engage in meaningful conversations with research papers for deeper insights. Discover the potential of LLM-based ResearchGPT.


  • PDF Conversation Interface: Enables users to converse with any research paper PDF for clarity and understanding.
  • Text Extraction & Embedding Creation: Automatically extracts text from PDFs, creating embeddings that facilitate accurate AI responses.
  • Integration with OpenAI API: Leverages the OpenAI API for generating informed and contextual answers to user queries.
  • Open Source and Updated Version: Project is open-source with a more advanced version hosted for free on
  • Source and Page Reference: Provides source reference and page number for each AI-generated response, ensuring traceability.

Use Cases:

  • Academic Research: Assists researchers and students in exploring and understanding complex academic papers quickly.
  • Knowledge Management: Helps professionals to sift through extensive documents and extract specific information efficiently.
  • Education & Learning: Supports learning by providing interactive study assistance to learners at all levels.

ResearchGPT stands out as an innovative tool for academia and industry professionals alike, making research an interactive and informative experience. With its capability to engage with research materials in a conversational manner, it paves the way for a more intuitive learning and research environment.