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What is MacGPT?

Elevate your Mac experience with MacGPT. Easily access and converse with ChatGPT from anywhere on your system, thanks to our smart menubar integration and conversation mode. Now also available as GeePeeTee for your iPhone.


  • Global ChatGPT Access: Effortlessly engage with ChatGPT from anywhere on your Mac using the convenient Global feature.
  • Inline Typing Assistance: MacGPT Inline brings the power of ChatGPT directly into any text field, enhancing your typing efficiency.
  • Menubar Integration: Quickly tap into the capabilities of ChatGPT right from your menu bar, with both web and native access.
  • Easy Copying of Conversations: Instantly copy a clear transcript of your conversations with ChatGPT for effortless record-keeping.
  • Conversation Mode: Break free from the keyboard with a voice-activated conversation mode, making ChatGPT interaction more natural.

Use Cases:

  • Seamless Integration for Creatives: Writers, developers, and designers can incorporate ChatGPT's suggestions without leaving their current workflow.
  • Enhanced Mobile Experience: Extend the power of ChatGPT to your iPhone with GeePeeTee, ensuring on-the-go access and productivity.
  • Multiple Concurrent Conversations: Efficiently manage multiple ChatGPT conversations, each with unique prompts for diverse tasks or projects.

MacGPT and GeePeeTee are revolutionizing the way Mac and iPhone users interact with ChatGPT, providing seamless, integrated solutions for communication and workflows that leverage the benefits of AI-powered conversations.