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What is Norby AI?

Get a fully automated, AI-powered customer support for startups, personal brands, and small businesses. No set-up or coding knowledge required. Try 30 days free trial.


  • 24/7 Automated Customer Support: Norby AI ensures your customer queries are addressed round the clock irrespective of time zones.
  • Low Cost Solution: Very affordable solution with the best price in the market, perfect for startups and small companies.
  • User Friendly: The system requires no code knowledge to set up. Just Copy-paste the snippet of code and FAQs into automatization.
  • Data Security Compliance: Empowered by Cookiebot, Norby AI is committed to keep user data secure and complies with relevant legal norms.

Use Cases:

  • Use in E-commerce: Norby is a perfect solution for online stores to automate their customer support and offers upselling and shopping cart recovery tools.
  • Use in Healthcare, Crypto, and Fintech: Norby AI can be effectively utilized in healthcare, crypto and fintech for providing timely, accurate and automated customer support.

Norby AI offers a reliable, cost-effective, and advanced solution to automate your customer service. With it, you can provide 24/7 customer support, improve customer satisfaction and enhance your business efficiency.