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What is Varolio?

Varolio transforms your inbox into a strategic asset, leveraging AI for seamless lead management, smart tagging, and powerful automations that turn every email into a revenue opportunity.


  • Smart Tagging: Easily categorize emails with AI-driven tagging to keep your inbox organized and focused.
  • AI Insights: Gain valuable insights into customer interactions to tailor your sales strategy with powerful AI analytics.
  • Automations: Automate responses and follow-ups, allowing sales teams to concentrate on building relationships and closing deals.
  • Personalized AI Drafts: Send intelligent, personalized responses to prospects with AI-generated drafts that capture your personal touch.
  • CRM Integration: Convert incoming emails to CRM leads, streamline your funnel, and ensure consistent follow-ups.
  • Lead Scoring: Score and prioritize leads based on content and interaction history to focus on high-value prospects.

Use Cases:

  • Sales Team Productivity: Sales teams can significantly boost efficiency by prioritizing high-value tasks, leaving routine email management to Varolio.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Stay on top of crucial conversations with targeted notifications for important emails, ensuring no opportunity is missed.
  • Account Management: Use Varolio's AI to manage accounts effortlessly with automated workflows and insightful AI assistance.
  • Customer Engagement: Improve engagement by personalizing communication with prospects, based on data-driven AI insights.

Varolio is the future of email management, providing an AI-powered platform that transforms the way sales teams interact with their inbox, automate processes, and capitalize on every lead. With Varolio, maximize your sales productivity and never let an opportunity slip through the cracks.