Zeus Notebook

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What is Zeus Notebook?

Zeus is an AI powered code assistant that operates directly from your browser. Simply enter your OpenAI API key to enable the chat functionality and get coding assistance on the fly.


  • Real Time Assistance: Zeus offers real time code assistance, helping you code more efficiently and effectively.
  • Browser-based Functionality: Zeus runs entirely on your browser, meaning no additional downloads or installations are required.
  • Security Conscious: Your OpenAI API keys are stored locally on your browser ensuring your privacy and security.

Use Cases:

  • Quick Debugging: Use Zeus for quick spotting and fixing of coding errors.
  • Learning New Code: Zeus can assist in learning new coding languages and techniques.
  • Efficient Coding: Zeus boosts your productivity by providing you real-time assistance.

Zeus is a powerful browser-based AI assistant that can simplify and enrich your coding experience. With real time assistance and high-end security, coding has never been more efficient.