Dot by New Computer

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What is Dot by New Computer?

Dot is an AI-powered app that promises to grow with you, learning and evolving with each interaction. It aims to understand you better than other AIs, observing your spoken and unspoken words to build a personalized picture of your personality.

Designed to be empathetic and emotionally intelligent, Dot acts as a friend, companion, and confidant, offering personalized advice on various aspects of life, from career choices to date spot recommendations. The app also provides a "Chronicles" feature, essentially a living history of your personal growth, curated by Dot.

Dot offers a free plan for basic usage, and a $11.99/month subscription for unlimited conversation and access to Chronicles. User reviews are generally positive, praising Dot's ability to remember conversations, offer personalized insights, and provide a more helpful and supportive experience than other AI chatbots.

However, some users express concerns about the app's search functionality and the high monthly subscription fee. Despite these criticisms, Dot is a promising new AI application that stands out due to its personalized approach and potential for positive impact on users' lives.