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What is Documate?

Documate is a revolutionary open-source tool that seamlessly embeds AI chat dialog into your doc site. Offering hassle-free integration and control, it's fully customizable, catering to your specific needs.


  • Hassle-free Integration: Documate enables straightforward and seamless assimilation with VitePress, Docusaurus, Docsify, and various other doc sites. No AI or LLM knowledge is required for the process.
  • Complete Ownership and Control: With Documate, you own the code, the data, and the power to choose which content to index. Exercise full control over your components.
  • Fully Customizable Interface: Documate comes with a finely-tuned and fully customizable UI, which adjusts as per your specific needs and preferences.

Use Cases:

  • Smart Doc Sites: Documate can help in enhancing the user experience by embedding AI chat dialog that can answer user questions based on content. Develop smart doc sites with a conversational interface.
  • Ideal for Various Doc Sites: Whether you use VitePress, Docusaurus, Docsify, or any other doc site, Documate enables easy and straightforward integration, making it ideal for various platforms.

Documate blends AI integration, complete control, and customization into one powerful package, raising the bar for intelligent doc site design.